Contemporary & Women’s Fiction

Hit the bestseller lists with your take on the way we live now

Our contemporary and women’s fiction writing course program

Are you a fan of the latest book club smash-hit novel and want to write your own? Perhaps you’ve spotted the novels Oprah and Reese Witherspoon are picking for their book clubs and you’re just itching to pen an original tale with highly discussable themes for your reading group to relish.

Whether you enjoy domestic fiction, saga or women’s fiction—a catch-all publishing term for stories that center women—we will guide you on how to write a marketable contemporary fiction novel, and even help you find a literary agent too.

How do you write a main character readers will root for—and reading groups love to discuss? How do you develop suspense and leave a trail of suspenseful breadcrumbs throughout the story? How do you choose your setting or time period in a way that best reflects the themes of your novel? And how do you write a climactic finale that will send your readers rushing to online reading forums to discuss That Twist? 

If you have an idea for a contemporary or women’s fiction novel or have a manuscript in progress, our fiction team will help you through the process of writing, structuring and polishing your novel until you have a story that any book club would love to discuss.

Our contemporary and women’s fiction writing course program

Are you a fan of the latest book club smash-hit novel and want to write your own? Perhaps you’ve spotted the novels Oprah and Reese Witherspoon are picking for their book clubs and you’re just itching to pen an original tale with highly discussable themes for your reading group to relish.

Whether you enjoy domestic fiction, saga or women’s fiction—a catch-all publishing term for stories that center women—we will guide you on how to write a marketable contemporary fiction novel, and even help you find a literary agent too.

How do you write a main character readers will root for—and reading groups love to discuss? How do you develop suspense and leave a trail of suspenseful breadcrumbs throughout the story? How do you choose your setting or time period in a way that best reflects the themes of your novel? And how do you write a climactic finale that will send your readers rushing to online reading forums to discuss That Twist? 

If you have an idea for a contemporary or women’s fiction novel or have a manuscript in progress, our fiction team will help you through the process of writing, structuring and polishing your novel until you have a story that any book club would love to discuss.

The Contemporary & Women’s Fiction department

Get coaching and feedback from global bestselling and award-winning contemporary fiction authors and the Contemporary Fiction Editorial Team

The Classic Storytelling Class

Your course begins with the big storytelling moves of the best-loved novels of all time.

Worldwide community

A dedicated online writing community with weekly classes and special small group genre workshops.

Flexible plans

Self-paced courses and 1-2-1 coaching with installment payment plans.

One-on-one coaching

With bestselling fiction authors

‘I completed the first draft of my novel! But maybe more importantly, I was challenged and learned so much about where stories come from and how to bring them to life and nurture them. Everything was spot on for what I was doing: the guidance on how to set up a productive writing life, every lesson, every coaching session. I’ve loved every day of the course! So wise and encouraging. I’m so grateful for the help.’

writing course reviews john

John Van Rys

‘This time last year, just finishing a manuscript was a dream. Less than 12 months later, the possibility of my novel being published is real. I’ve learned how to bring my first drafts to life through developing characters and prose. I’ve been able to hear how other readers react to my writing which has helped me on later drafts. I’ve gained an understanding of what agents are looking for and how to approach them. There are so many resources and opportunities to learn from other writers, editors, and agents. I definitely recommend it if you want to write your novel.’

writing course review headshot catherine

Catherine West-McGrath

‘The course was essential to my journey as a writer. I was able to establish a disciplined writing practice that propelled me forward. I gained an immense amount of confidence not just in my abilities as a writer but in my own ideas and storytelling technique. This experience has given me the confidence to say—Yes, I am a writer.’

writing course reviews

Lacy Blake-Vetter

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From first page to last draft

Suitable for writers at all stages of their journey, our comprehensive five-step program with a full manuscript read will help you develop the advanced skills you need to discover your voice and find your big idea, then write and edit a complete work of fiction to publishing standard. Our Women’s and Contemporary Fiction program offers you a regular genre workshop and bonus classes covering main character energy, writing complicated characters and getting your protagonist into the hot seat to interrogate them as a way of creating plot. Includes recorded classes from bestselling contemporary women’s fiction authors like Rachel Joyce, Rosie Walsh, and Sophie Kinsella.

The Finished Novel Course

The complete 5-step program


‘Everything I learned at The Novelry played a part in my achievement.’

‘I wanted to feel part of a gang, share writing wins and woes, and remind myself that I’d done it before and I could do it again, no matter how daunting the blank page first appears. I hoped that if I surrounded myself with like-minded writers, I would soon be fired up with creativity and rediscover that escape I desperately craved.

‘I looked forward to the weekly team chats, the Sunday blogs and the live author Q&A sessions. One of the things I loved so much about The Novelry was the Golden Hour method. I decided to write the sort of book that I would want to read. Within two months I had a finished first draft. Unheard of in my writing career. Within four months it went on submission. Then it went to best and final bids at auction a fortnight later. This story, one that hadn’t existed even half a year ago, was now going to be a lead title for Welbeck. I really feel like I need to pinch myself.’

—Kate Gray

Join us today

Reach the end of your first draft or finish a publishing-ready novel. Our courses offer various combinations of The Novelry’s five-step writing journey, and provide best value to achieve your ambition.

The Novel Kickstarter Writing Course
The Novel Development Writing Course Dome
The Finished Novel Writing CourseDome

The Novel Kickstarter Course

Come up with the idea and write a first draft

The Novel Development Course

Take a novel-in-progress to publishing standard

The Finished Novel Course

The complete 5-step program

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