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In their own words

Creative writing course reviews

Read more about The Novelry from writers who have taken our courses

Vvitae sapien pellentesque

“I have a full first draft of my novel and an exceptional kit of writer’s tools going forwards”

‘The Novelry has been the best thing I decided to do for myself this year. The course as well as the fabulously inspiring and upbeat tutor kept me inspired and motivated, and most of all allowed me to believe in myself as a writer. At the end of the course, I have a full first draft of my novel and an exceptional kit of writer’s tools going forwards.’

Erika Banerji

[Course name]

Reviews image

Read independent writing course reviews before you choose!

1. Rave reviews from real people giving their names.

2. Published writing coaches who have had success with awards or bestsellers. Is the Course Director a well-regarded writer?

3. One-to-one coaching focused on your story and your writing. (Don’t spend your precious time reading other writers’ work!)

4. A professional path to getting published with links to a range of literary agencies.

5. An inspiring writers group with a kind and encouraging ethos.

6. A course that’s highly rated on an independent review site like Trustpilot.

Student reviews

We are the home of happy writing with more five star reviews than any other writing course program in the world.

‘Expect a burst of creative energy’

‘I was floundering in resistance and lack of confidence. That’s when I found The Novelry. From the day I started, I felt a shift and a sense of renewal. My creative energy has been sparked what was a constant state of resistance is now a state of momentum and motivation. I’m finding the simplicity of The Five Fs empowering. That simple structure kept me grounded through writing the short account of my story and showed me that the story I’ve been resistant to write is worth telling. Taking the course has also shown me that even the greatest writers can struggle and sometimes need a community to help them reach clarity and success. If you ever find yourself unable to write and wanting to give up, please consider joining The Novelry and expect to experience a burst of creative energy.’

writers community review
Carrie Darrow Honigman
‘An experience I’ll cherish forever’

‘I've played around with creative writing since I was 10 or 11, and my lifelong dream has been to write a book. I’ve never had the structure or organization to get me through the finish line of a full first draft, and The Novelry made that possible. The coaching was invaluable; every session helped my forward momentum. I truly believe in myself and I’m loving my own story I’ve written—with more drafts to come, of course, but my confidence is very high that through this course, I am going to accomplish my dream of a finished, polished novel. Even with a demanding “day job,” my one hour of writing every morning was a treat and an experience I’ll cherish forever.’

finished novel course review
Jaime Maier

‘I never thought that writing a novel would be possible, and The Novelry gave me the encouragement and confidence to take the leap and try. The Novelry also taught me the importance of prioritizing myself :) Aside from writing, The Novelry has been really fantastic for my mental health in encouraging me to take time for myself, and what is important and nourishing for me. It’s been really fantastic to focus more on living in the moment, and take joy in the little everyday things in life. I’ve also loved the community that I’ve gained, and new folks that I otherwise wouldn’t have connected with! The Finished Novel Course has given me the confidence that even with no creative writing experience, it’s possible to write a meaningful novel!’

writing a novel review
Patty Kuo
‘I am so, so grateful’

‘105,880 words! I have also gained enormous confidence, and I believe that the encouragement I received at The Novelry has been a contributing factor to the WILDLY positive change in my mental health. I am so, so grateful and more proud of myself than I have ever been. I’ve loved my time with The Novelry. The coaching sessions have been invaluable to me in generating stronger ideas, and my confidence has grown exponentially. If you want to take your writing seriously and have a team of professionals do the same, The Novelry is the place to come to!’

The novelry reviews hannah
Hannah Foster
‘The course was great, and I love the philosophy’

‘As an English professor, I think I’ve spent so much time revering works and analyzing them that the idea of writing creatively seemed entirely impossible. For the first time ever, I’ve had a longer than twenty-one-day writing habit, and if I’ve missed a day (gasp!) and still come back to it, which helps me feel like I might be able to get over my perfectionism enough to get through the next course too. I feel like I’m part of a community of writers, a really supportive community of writers. It brings tears to my eyes and stops up my throat when I try to explain how important and rare that is. I have hope that I can do this thing that has been a dream of mine for so long and that no matter what happens to the completed story in the rest of the world, I will be able to make it readable, maybe even enjoyable, for the people for whom I’m writing it. The course was great, and I love the philosophy and examples that Louise Dean uses. The best thing is the community, though, and the encouragement we receive that helps us begin to believe in ourselves.’

writing community
Tina Romanelli
‘I couldn’t be more thrilled with the amazing support of The Novelry’

‘Over the years, I started and abandoned many novels. After hitting a milestone birthday, I decided I didn’t want to look back on my life with regret for never at least trying to fulfill my literary ambitions. I decided to search in earnest for a writing course that would teach me the structure to write (and finish) one of my many book ideas. I discovered The Novelry, returning to the home page repeatedly over a month-long period where I debated signing up. I’m so glad I did! The team has been fantastic—helping me through writing humps and plot holes, and getting me to where I am today, which is represented by a fantastic agent who shares my vision for my future career. I couldn’t be more thrilled with the amazing support of The Novelry, authors and editors, whose encouragement, thoughtful feedback and industry expertise made navigating revisions and the submission process a joy.’

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Daisy Carrington
‘This novel is better than anything I ever thought I was capable of writing’

‘I came to The Novelry a broken writer. I had tried everything and had gotten so close to getting an agent several times, but it was obvious there was something not working with the execution of my novels. Hooks, pitches, and the actual writing were not my weakness—something was falling apart past the opening chapters. It was my coach who finally told me what it was (being as gentle as she could be, knowing it meant a total reworking of the story. Again.). And it finally clicked! From there, continuing through the lessons and being guided home by my editor, this experience has been one of the most rewarding of my career. This novel is better than anything I ever thought I was capable of writing, and I look forward to happily writing many more with my newfound skills and insight!’

writing a novel review nicole brooks
Nicole Brooks
‘Join The Novelry community of writers and transform yourself’

‘For every writer who has wondered, “Is the story good? Is it engaging? Will anyone want to read my work? Will an agent ever show interest in me?” Well, fear not. For I can now tell you with great confidence that there is a benevolent guide just waiting to take you by the hand, one who knows no shadows and, better yet, can help you push them away. I know that now because I once was right where you may be right now. The guide is The Novelry with its visionary founder, Louise Dean, and her cast of countless professionals, all just waiting to show you the way. To forever remove your shadow selves and earn the respect you deserve for having focused your efforts and dedicated yourself to becoming the best writer you can be! Join The Novelry community of writers and transform yourself.’

creative writing course review timothy reilly
Timothy Reilly
‘The Novelry Live is awesome!’

‘It’s lovely because I’m not just learning to write a better story, I’ve found a community of people who are going through the same creative process and struggles. I’m gaining knowledge just hanging around and listening to everything!’

writers group reviews the novelry
Grace Condon
‘A real novel at the end of it’

‘Whether by chance or design, I completed my novel on the 90th day after beginning The Ninety Day Novel. Without this course, I have no doubt the work would be significantly poorer and only half completed. The course has an uncanny ability to provide material at the precise moment roadblocks and concerns emerge in the writing. The course is not only full of great writing advice, it delivers not just theory but a real novel at the end of it.’

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Geoff Parkes
‘A career-changing experience’

‘I have published a number of books that were shortlisted and honorably mentioned in nationally recognized competitions. Yet, I realized after taking The Novelry’s courses how much I had missed in attempting to learn writing on my own. These classes opened my eyes to essential literary elements that I’d read about but never quite understood how to execute in my own prose. Following their step-by-step guide to character development, pacing and theme afforded me crucial insight not only into what will keep readers turning pages but the importance of the writing journey itself!’

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Dr. David Tenenbaum
‘Over-the-moon grateful’

‘I gained new angles on my material, realizing so much adventure was right here in the planning and writing, and I feel more deeply immersed in/inspired by/excited about the craft and more connected to others who are, and have been, similarly led. A big fat thank you. I have been wondering why I hadn’t learned at least some of this before in school. But mostly, I’m just over-the-moon grateful to be learning it now.’

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Katy Locke
‘The most positive and enjoyable experience’

‘I liked the setup of each lesson—a video, then a written lesson, and short but very relevant tasks at the end. I feel that the way each lesson is created helps to guide you through the course completing each section in bite-size chunks and building on the knowledge you gain along the way. This has been the most positive and enjoyable experience that has really made me feel like getting a novel written and even published isn’t just a pipe dream.’

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Maria Bayliss
‘I feel empowered’

‘I feel empowered to move forward in a definite, sustainable way—both writing actual fiction, which is motivating to me, and improving the craft of writing, which is important because there’s a lot of MFA-type material contained in these courses. Seriously—this material is dense. If you work through it, you will absolutely be a better writer than you were when you started (that is, you will emerge as someone who produces higher-quality work, more consistently, with considerably less stress/heartburn than previously was your experience).’

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Hilary Bee
‘I enjoy the way the course is structured and takes you on a journey’

‘The warmth and encouragement of Louise’s voice through the course, the inspiration that came with varied exercises and texts we’ve explored. I enjoy the way the course is structured and takes you on a journey. From lack of confidence and discipline to write regularly to the habit of sitting down for an hour each day (most days) to read the material and do the exercises with gentle affirmation to keep going and take it one step at a time.’

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Vedrana Music
‘There’s a wealth of practical, tangible, nitty-gritty help to get your novel into decent shape’

‘The course has given me clarity and purpose on every other aspect of writing. The formula has clicked and I just get it now. I feel more confident that the direction I’m going in is my best yet. I’ve taken a couple of writing courses before, but none have helped as much as The Novelry has. There’s a wealth of practical, tangible, nitty-gritty help to get your novel into decent shape. For the first time, I don’t feel slightly lost, misunderstood and rudderless. I just wish I’d found The Novelry years ago.’

writing course reviews bob
Bob Fear
‘I’ve never taken a course that was more professional or delivered in a better format. There was just so much terrific content’

‘First of all, the quality was EXCELLENT. I loved the combination of the video material, the lecture content, the activities, the To Do lists, the downloads. Really top-notch! I’ve never taken a course that was more professional or delivered in a better format. There was just so much terrific content. I’m still digesting and thinking about it.’

writing course review catherine
Catherine Greer
‘The Novelry is such a gift to aspiring writers. Their accessible, friendly, no-ego approach to writing is such a breath of fresh air’

‘The Novelry is such a gift to aspiring writers. It packs in a lifetime’s worth of writing wisdom and practical tools, striking the perfect balance of structure and freedom. This course has left me feeling prepared and ready to embark on writing my novel. It’s given me so many tools I didn’t know I needed, and looking back I can’t believe I was writing without them! The Novelry demystifies the creative process by pulling lessons from the greats, which was such a fun and cozy way to learn. Their accessible, friendly, no-ego approach to writing is such a breath of fresh air.’

writing course review
Megan Malloy
‘I should have done this so long ago’

‘I feel like I have the tools to really polish my manuscript and come up with a much more solid novel. I’ve been trying to write on my own, learning from articles, books and magazines for years and from the first lesson when Louise told me that I AM A WRITER, I knew I should have done this so long ago.’

writing class review
Clair Glisczynski
‘The ability to chat with authors and editors, who I feel really care about my writing success, is what makes The Novelry so special’

‘Prior to finding The Novelry, I’d taken writing courses with several other writing schools. They were helpful, but I knew when I found The Novelry, I’d found my forever writing home.’

writing course reviews cat lane
Cat Lane
‘A life-changing experience for me’

‘I have started to write. I have discovered a new part of my life. I have started to tell a story. The Novelry, the writing coaches and all my new friends have contributed to making this a life-changing experience for me and I would simply say—don’t hesitate for a minute!’

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Wayne Silver
‘You are sherpas who knew I would need help to carry the load’

‘I learned in this course that being a guide for my reader is just as important as being a good writer. We have to care for them and make them feel safe as they read. Well, I found the team at The Novelry to be more than guides. You are sherpas who knew I would need help to carry the load and take my first nervous steps up the mountain. And for that, I am so grateful.’

writing course review steck
Jonathon Steck
‘I’ve never encountered any writing program quite like The Novelry—one that is practical yet aspirational and grounded in the steps to completing a novel’

‘I loved all of it. It was all helpful. It was really helpful to go over the fundamentals and it helped validate my approach, confirm my choices, and encourage me to keep at it. I’ve taken writing classes and attended writing workshops and conferences but I’ve never encountered any writing program quite like The Novelry—one that is practical yet aspirational and grounded in the steps to completing a novel. I enjoyed it thoroughly and feel really motivated to finish my book.’

Naseem Badiey
‘I now have confidence that I can do this! Great advice from my coach. Outstanding genre-specific workshops!’

‘Before joining the course, I was worried about my plot being solid. I now have confidence that I can do this! Great advice from my coach. Outstanding genre-specific workshops! I have an 80,000 word first draft! The Novelry has convinced me that with discipline and the desire to learn, I can write a novel that readers will truly enjoy.’

April Love-Fordham
‘The Novelry literally takes your hand and walks you through each stage of how to write a book’

‘The Novelry literally takes your hand and walks you through each stage of how to write a book. From the idea, right to the last chapter.’

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Nicola Berry
‘I now have confidence that I have what it takes to be a writer’

‘I didn’t think I had what it takes (enough natural talent as if it was some elusive thing), but I now know it takes much more than that to be a writer. I finished my first draft and now have confidence that I have what it takes to be a writer. Taking The Finished Novel Course has been incredible. I have finished my first draft, learned how to analyze literature, how to be a student and a writer. I now have the confidence to trust my judgment and the soundness of mind that I don’t have to know everything (although I know much more than when I started this course) before I can write. This has been life-changing. Thank you!’

writing course reviews danielle
Danielle Briers
‘The course allows you to decide, for yourself, what kind of writer you’ll be. And support is always there’

‘I’ve never quite taken a course like this. You look at award-winning novels with a fine-toothed comb, and compare them to what you’re doing. How did the writer accomplish that? How can I accomplish it? It requires you to step up to the plate, to take a hard look at what you’re doing. Are you serious about this? Are you going to work for it? Also, the course allows you to decide, for yourself, what kind of writer you’ll be. It gives you permission to be yourself. And, of course, support is always there, which is immensely comforting.’

elissa headshot writing course review
Elissa Elliott
‘I have a morning writing habit, I have changed the way I think about a book and how it works’

‘I have much more confidence that I could actually write this, finish it, edit it and even try to get it published. I read a lot of books! And it was a bit like taking a course on reading a novel at the same time, which I enjoyed. I overcame my fear of dialogue because I could not avoid writing it for 90 days! I have a morning writing habit, I have changed the way I think about a book and how it works. It’s great motivation and full of things to think about. I’d absolutely recommend it.’

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Juliana Adelman
‘This course has given me the confidence, the tools, and the energy to try’

‘Writing is my first love, but I’ve never given myself permission to concentrate on it. I’ve been looking for practical help and a kind of forward motion that I’d been missing. I had tactical questions about plot in particular; I can string a sentence together and evoke a room, but telling a story in the way I wanted to was a frightening prospect. This course has given me the confidence, the tools, and the energy to try. It feels like a new lease of life.’

writing course reviews werdmuller
Ben Werdmuller
‘I could tell, about two weeks after starting the course that something within me was surfacing and getting stronger’

‘Life-changing! What does life-changing mean? I could tell, about two weeks after starting the course that something within me was surfacing and getting stronger. I’m becoming a different person, a stronger person, because of this course, getting the story down. It was breathtaking in the best of ways. I’m still reeling.’

writing course reviews matt
Matti Hicks
‘The best thing I have ever done for my writing’

‘Joining The Novelry is the best thing I have ever done for my writing. The courses are quality, the support both warm and effective. My novel is now in editing before submission to agents and I have learned so much. Highly recommend.’

the best writing course review verity headhot
Verity McLellan
‘The right combination of theory and practical advice, thought experiments and practical exercises’

‘Each lesson left me reeling! The Novelry is the right combination of theory and practical advice, thought experiments and practical exercises. Ever wish you could have your favourite writer walk you through how to write and publish a book? Well, you can’t have that... but The Novelry may just be better!’

writing course reviews
Sharat Buddhavarapu
‘This experience has given me the confidence to say—Yes, I am a writer’

‘The course was essential to my journey as a writer. I was able to establish a disciplined writing practice that propelled me forward. I gained an immense amount of confidence not just in my abilities as a writer but in my own ideas and storytelling technique. This experience has given me the confidence to say—Yes, I am a writer.’

writing course reviews
Lacy Blake-Vetter
‘It’s the best thing you can do for your novel’

‘It’s the best thing you can do for your novel. The lessons seemed to match in an uncanny way with whatever set of obstacles I was confronting in this process. The course is just a marvelous aide for the long engagement required to get a work out into print, it seems to me.’

writing course reviews guy
Guy Zimmerman
‘Whatever it is that you’re looking for that is missing, you will find it at The Novelry’

‘The Novelry was the missing puzzle piece that I’ve been looking for since starting my novel. The inspiring writing community, the insightful lessons, the intangible skills you build to become the writer you always wanted to be, whatever it is that you’re looking for that is missing, you will find it at The Novelry.’

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Nick Battiste
‘Confidence that I can do this’

‘I am very happy that I decided to follow The Novelry to get started with writing my first novel. With no previous experience with writing a novel, I had no idea where to start. I was especially worried about how I would come up with an idea for the novel. This course helped me with a structured approach to starting my novel, an understanding of the elements that make a novel successful, and most importantly assurance and confidence that I can do this.’

writing course review headshot elina
Elina Hemink
‘I already had an MFA in creative writing. The Novelry... taught me so much about the novel form’

‘I already had an MFA in creative writing; I thought I should be able to write a novel by myself. The Novelry—with its combination of support, advice, and community—taught me so much about the novel form.’

MFA writing course reviews headshot
Jeff Becker
‘Less than 12 months later, the possibility of my novel being published is real’

‘This time last year, just finishing a manuscript was a dream. Less than 12 months later, the possibility of my novel being published is real. I’ve learned how to bring my first drafts to life through developing characters and prose. I’ve been able to hear how other readers react to my writing which has helped me on later drafts. I’ve gained an understanding of what agents are looking for and how to approach them. There are so many resources and opportunities to learn from other writers, editors, and agents. I definitely recommend it if you want to write your novel.’

writing course review headshot catherine
Catherine West-McGrath
‘I’m proud of what I accomplished’

‘I wrote a novel! Seriously, I couldn’t have done it without your guidance. I was so lost before The Novelry. You kept me safe, as promised. The Novelry has a robust offering of extras, including live zooms, recorded zooms, blogs, and even its own social media site. Writing every day is a simple and obvious concept, but I needed to be told and cheered on, and you did that for me. I enjoyed the daily lessons and established a successful work routine that included reading lessons, reading books, and writing. At The Novelry, I was pushed, in a nice way, to use every brain cell I have. I woke up earlier to write, prioritizing my dream of completing my novel. I’m proud of what I accomplished.’

writing course reviews tara
Tara Videon
‘I’ve loved every day of the course!’

‘I completed the first draft of my novel! But maybe more importantly, I was challenged and learned so much about where stories come from and how to bring them to life and nurture them. Everything was spot on for what I was doing: the guidance on how to set up a productive writing life, every lesson, every coaching session. I’ve loved every day of the course! So wise and encouraging. I’m so grateful for the help.’

writing course reviews john
John Van Rys
‘If you’re a writer... The Novelry is a godsend’

‘If you’re a writer, whether published or just want to be, and are finding yourself in a bit of a rut and in need of some community and inspiration, I could not recommend The Novelry more fervently. Then there are the guest speakers that include hugely successful writers, and agents. Everyone is at the top of their game. Finally, the community forum interface is exceptional, great for networking with other writers. No question is too silly, no plea for help ignored. The Novelry bursts at the seams with its brilliance on every level. It is a godsend.’

Headshot of Faye writing course reviews
Faye Fleming
‘With a motto of “happy writing,” The Novelry is truly a home and support for aspiring authors’

‘My writing has changed completely since starting this course. The result was a completely different level of writing. I’d recommend The Novelry to anyone with writing aspirations! Not only did I learn a lot and evolve immensely as a writer, but I also genuinely found joy in the course, the blogs, the online webinars, and the experience as a whole. With a motto of “happy writing,” The Novelry is truly a home and support for aspiring authors.’

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Emily Baker
‘I feel supported, energized and confident’

‘The Novelry helped me find balance in my life between work and writing. I’ve stopped and started manuscripts for decades, never feeling like I could make it to a finished draft. The gentle encouragement in each lesson, the manageable bits of thinking and writing, and the online community of resources (including the humans!) make me feel supported, energized, curious, and confident that I can accomplish my goal of writing one, two, or more novels!’

Headshot of Jennifer writing course reviews
Jennifer Wolfe
‘An eye-opening experience’

‘I had a great year with The Novelry. Even before I was a member, they started guiding me, giving suggestions on which course would be the best fit for me. I took The Big Edit, and their guidance led me to a place of confidence, motivation, and knowledge of both the craft and the industry. They also have a lovely community of aspiring writers, experienced editors, and writing coaches who are always open to help. I will be continuing my membership even though I finished the course.’

Headshot of Ahmet writing course reviews
Ahmet Ersozlu
‘Joining The Novelry was the best decision I made for myself and my writing career’

‘Joining The Novelry was the best decision I made for myself and my writing career. For years I had thought about writing a novel, but I wasn’t really sure where to start. The Novelry is not just an amazing writing course; it is so much more. It is also a community of ambitious writers, authors, mentors, editors, and all-round lovely people who will be with you on your writing journey. The courses are designed in a way that will keep you motivated and excited to find your story. I joined before I even had a story idea, and since then, I have written a first draft, been through rounds of edits, and have a complete manuscript I am really proud of. Throughout their submission process, I had support and guidance from The Novelry team. I am so glad that I found my home here at The Novelry and that I am now represented by James Wills of Watson, Little. I cannot wait to continue to grow as a writer within The Novelry community.’

Headshot of Talitha writing course reviews
Talitha McQueen
‘The best writing course you can take’

‘If you are serious about writing a novel, this is the school to help make it a reality. At age 65, I decided to try and write a book. I had always wanted to, but I never thought I could do it. A year later, I have it written and am on The Big Edit Class. I never would have been able to accomplish this with any other program. I didn’t know how to write a chapter, much less 44 of them! If you are willing to do the work, The Novelry will help you accomplish your dreams.’

Headshot of Priscilla the best writing course review
Priscilla Kennedy
‘The Novelry helped me write my first novel’

‘Their lessons and tools are born from their own experiences, making them all the more valuable. The coaching and live workshops are always insightful and kind. The community feedback is rich and constructive. Most of all, their sincerity and compassion come through every interaction. If you are serious about improving your craft, completing the work, and not writing completely alone, The Novelry is terrific.’

Headshot of John
John Bell
‘This is the best education for novelists for a reason’

‘Following this course made me question why universities do not offer such programs. This is the best education for novelists for a reason. Community, joy, and inspiration due to meeting new “voices of the world,” as I call our fellow writers. I wish I had had this 18 years ago, as the course of my life would have been different. Pure gold.’

Headshot of Dina
Dina-Perla Portnaar
‘An amazing experience’

‘The Ninety Day Novel has been an amazing experience. The lessons were filled to the brim with actionable and inspiring information and the writing coaches are knowledgeable and so giving with their time and care.’

Headshot of Jacinda review writing course
Jacinda Santora
‘If you are struggling with your novel you need this course’

‘Engaging, confidence building, supportive and not to be missed. If you are serious about writing a novel, you need this course. If you are struggling with your novel you need this course. Amazing support from all concerned, from Louise’s vlogs to writing coaches and all the other lovely people taking this class sharing their feelings/thoughts as they go further and further through the class. I now feel I can finish my novel to a high standard.’

Headshot of Irene writing course reviews
Irene Howarth
‘Joy. Connection. Achievement. A manuscript.’

‘The Novelry is the guidance, inspiration, and encouragement that I always wished that I’d received when I started to write many moons ago. I wish I’d learned what you have taught me when I did my creative writing degree 20 years ago. Hands down the best decision I ever made in pursuing my writing dreams.’

Debra review writing course
Debra Lee
‘The course delivers on its promise and more’

‘I didn’t think I had a story in me. I now have a 90,000-word first draft that I can actually see becoming a book someday. The course delivers on its promise and more. The daily lessons helped me establish a writing practice; the sense of belonging to the community made me feel less alone, and my meetings with my mentor helped me breathe life into my story. It was pure joy.’

Headshot of Lesley writing course reviews
Lesley Erickson
‘It has been life-changing in so many ways’

‘The Novelry is truly one of a kind. Having a strong community to fall back on and personal one-on-ones with people who have been through the entire process from start to publish have been so invaluable. Having someone to talk to about places I am stuck and having a group of people I can check in daily with is also wonderful! I’m so happy to have discovered this course! It has been life-changing in so many ways.’

Headshot of Amy writing course reviews
Amy Lentz
‘The course is encouraging and brilliantly conceived’

‘Taking The Ninety Day Novel with The Novelry has been genuinely transformative for me. The course is encouraging and brilliantly conceived; the daily lessons forge good habits, and I completed my first draft on time, surprised myself that I could rise early every single day to write, and genuinely looked forward to the daily lessons. I would recommend it to all fledgling novelists.’

Headshot of Judith wilson writing course
Judith Wilson
‘Writers with ambition to hone their work to its best quality will find it a godsend’

‘This is a quality course, with both practical writing advice and deeper insights into the author’s process. The support given is invaluable. I simply “feel” more like a writer. I’m so glad I found The Novelry. It feels like home.’

Headshot of Ruth writing course reviews
Ruth Barrett
‘There is no better place than The Novelry’

‘If you want to feel immersed in the world of writing, where friendly support, advice, and knowledge is available, then there is no better place than The Novelry.’

Headshot of Hemmie writing course reviews
Hemmie Martin
‘I wish I’d found it years ago’

‘It has been an incredible learning experience that got me writing when I didn’t know where to start. I have an understanding how story works, knowing I can write every day, even on the worst days. I’m developing a belief that I can be a writer. I wish I’d found it years ago.’

Headshot of Maeve writing course reviews
Maeve Henry
‘I have had a wonderful experience with The Novelry’

‘I have had a wonderful experience with The Novelry—whether it is the insightful and informative lessons taken at my own pace or the many engaging weekly workshops. Each and every staff member I have interacted with has been helpful, kind, and resourceful. Prior to joining The Novelry, I didn’t have a regular, consistent writing practice. Now, I do. And I am finally able to be hopeful that I will indeed write a novel in these coming months.’

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Shway Modi
‘Taking the course has opened up a whole new world and community to me’

‘Taking the course has opened up a whole new world and community to me. It’s brought with it much joy and excitement. It’s enabled me to tap into my creative and imaginative self and be amazed at what I found. I signed up to The Novel Kickstarter Course at The Novelry with hope in my heart but also with a certain amount of reservation about my ability to succeed. I am now so pleased that I decided to do it. I have a story I want to write and The Classic Class has helped me form what I hope is a workable plan/outline for my novel. I have chosen to trust the process and believe I will have the support to help me write my first draft.’

Gerri Crossley
‘A lifetime of knowledge’

‘The Novelry is by far, hands down, the best online writing school ever. Why? Because they are brilliant, smart, supportive, honest and understanding. But most importantly, they made me feel safe as a writer. I got the best support, the best advice and a lifetime of knowledge.’

writing course review rachel
Rachel Lui
‘The coaching sessions were the best’

‘I have a first draft! I wasn’t sure I could make the jump from non-fiction to fiction. It feels like so much has changed in doing the course that I can barely remember the before. All of the lessons seemed to come at exactly the right time for me. When I needed support, I got it. The coaching sessions were the best. I am so glad that I chose The Novelry. The lessons are like spices for the experience—some new, some comforting, some exotic—that allowed me to really savor the experience of writing a first draft. Though I wrote alone, I was never lost or lonely.’

Writing course review best coaching maggie
Maggie Huffman
‘They helped turn my story into a book, and turned me from a hobbyist into a writer’

‘My experience with The Novelry can only be described as transformative—they helped turn my story into a book, and turned me from a hobbyist into a writer. My coaches were invaluable, they were the perfect mix of encouraging and critical, and everyone at The Novelry was engaged in my work and clearly invested in my success. The course equipped me with a set of tools that I know I will use throughout my writing career. I am so deeply grateful to The Novelry for their support and guidance—I would recommend any aspiring writer wanting to take their work to the next level to work with them with absolutely no reservations.’

Novelry reviews connor martini
Connor Martini
‘The course has inspired me to think about writing in a whole new way’

‘The course has inspired me to think about writing in a whole new way: less drudgery, more fun, more possibilities. I had a very long draft of a novel that I was unable to see clearly. I decided to put that one on hold and take another idea I had—and had started on—and take it through The Finished Novel Course. I feel my novel idea is more honed, and I see a more organized, less time-wasting path toward completion!’

writing course review karen
Karen Ritter
‘A blueprint’

‘I did a lot of what Louise terms “doubting and dithering” when it came to writing. I often wrote my opening scenes over and over. Writing felt more and more like a slog and what I wrote never turned into the magic I read on the pages of my favorite books. This course reassured me that many of my concerns, struggles, and doubts are shared by other writers. It provided me with a blueprint for turning an at-times ineffable skill into a reliable formula. I am grateful to Louise for creating this course and making it available to the writing public!’

this writing course review
Emily Burnham
‘Joy (...) is the thing I’ll never stop being grateful for from this course’

‘Confidence, community, and joy! The community is fantastic and the various workshops have been such a boon to get my mind out of old ruts. Joy, however, is the thing I’ll never stop being grateful for from this course. It reminded me that I love writing and that it is a fun and playful thing. Louise, her team, and the entire community have helped renew my love of storytelling, and I couldn’t be more grateful.’

Teri McConnell
‘The lessons kept me accountable to the process’

‘I came in needing to repair my relationship with writing! I loved having The Novelry as a companion as I began developing my novel. The lessons kept me accountable to the process as well as being able to access Catch Up TV and attend live events. Knowing a coaching session was coming and getting ready for that has also been helpful. Overall, this experience helped me feel like I’ll be going into writing my novel really prepared and on point. Before I thought there was no way I could write a novel in 90 days, but now I’ve done so much work to set up for success (way more than an hour a day) that it actually seems possible. I also want to say that Louise is excellent at the helm, and all the coaches I’ve met have been fantastic.’

writer coaching review
Jill Margo
‘Reinstalled my self-belief’

‘The Novelry picked me up and dusted me off when my confidence and creativity were in the dirt. I have a lot of hard work ahead of me, but these lessons reinstalled my self-belief.’

writing class review confidence
Lindsay Bourguignon
‘Why didn’t I have the courage to start earlier?’

‘The last few weeks have been transformative in a way that is hard to describe other than to call it a kind of “rebirth.” Dedicating my time and mental space to truly and wholeheartedly writing has been so fun and fulfilling. Why didn’t I have the courage to start earlier? The Classic Class was a brilliant way to start here at The Novelry because it helped me get into the habit of showing up for myself and get some writing done in the process. Immersing myself in the work of some of my favorite authors was a wonderful bonus. I really loved the 10 min and 20 min tasks. I always did both sets of tasks because they helped me confront many glaring gaps in my idea. The tools are also a lovely addition to my now overflowing toolkit, and it was so helpful to see how other authors are excelling at their craft. I’ve gained a lot of confidence in the process, and I’m using that momentum to take a leap. A leap into the future I want, where the books I write may one day provide a modicum of comfort and solace.’

getting started writing
Katerina Zafeiri
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Join us today

Reach the end of your first draft or finish a publishing-ready novel. Our courses offer various combinations of The Novelry’s five-step writing journey, and provide best value to achieve your ambition.

The Novel Kickstarter Writing Course
The Novel Development Writing Course Dome
The Finished Novel Writing CourseDome

The Novel Kickstarter Course

Come up with the idea and write a first draft

The Novel Development Course

Take a novel-in-progress to publishing standard

The Finished Novel Course

The complete 5-step program