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Writing About Your Life: with Alice Carrière and Alice Kuipers

Alice Kuipers. Head of writer coaching
Alice Kuipers
November 24, 2024
Alice Kuipers
Writing Coach

Alice Kuipers is the bestselling, award-winning author of YA novels, books for younger readers, and several ghostwritten adult memoirs. Her debut, Life on the Refrigerator Door, was a New York Times Book for the Teen Age and Carnegie Medal nominee. It won the Grand Prix de Viarmes, the Livrentête Prize, the Redbridge Teenage Book Award and the Saskatchewan First Book Award and has been adapted for the stage. Alice’s other accolades include wins or nominations for the Arthur Ellis Award, the White Pine Award, the Saskatchewan Book Award for YA Literature, the Junior Library Guild Gold Selection and Amazon’s Best Book of the Month. Her essays have been published in the Huffington Post, the Sunday Telegraph, Easy Living, and Today’s Parent. Alice has a BSc in Psychology from Manchester University and an MA in Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University. She has spoken at the Brisbane Festival of Literature, Wordfest Calgary, Vancouver Writers Fest, and the Saskatchewan Festival of Words.

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November 24, 2024

Do you look back on your own life and think it would make a great memoir? Have you had an amazing life story that seems to have a narrative arc already built in? Do you have an incredible personal story that you think should be committed to paper?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be contemplating writing a book about your life—and learning from experienced memoirists will help you get started.

In this interview with The Novelry, bestselling memoirist Alice Carrière discusses her journey writing her memoir Everything/Nothing/Someone and her emergence from an unconventional, emotionally fraught childhood. Alice’s memoir was described by the New York Times as ‘not self-pitying but raw, filled with sorrow, dark humor and sharp observation,’ and was fellow memoirist Jennette McCurdy’s Book Club pick. For advice on structuring a memoir, writing about family experiences with consideration and honesty, or how a bestselling memoirist approaches their research, read Alice Carrière’s illuminating answers in this interview with The Novelry.

Following Alice Carrière’s interview, our writing coach and memoirist Alice Kuipers shares her best advice on writing a memoir to help you start writing your own life story. Alice is an award-winning author of five novels and six books for younger readers. She is a bestselling ghostwriter with a wealth of experience in writing memoirs, and she coaches memoir, YA, and children’s fiction at The Novelry.

Memoirist Alice Carrière

Alice Carrière on writing with radical candor

Alice, how did you decide on the structure of Everything/Nothing/Someone? Did it come first, while you were writing, or later in the process?

It came much later. I didn’t actually know what the memoir was about, why it needed to be told, until I landed on the title and the structure, which happened almost at the end. When I finally thought of the title, I got to go back and see all the poetry and parallels that lay scattered around my life and the entire narrative took on a meaning, a cohesiveness, and a significance I hadn’t noticed before.

Everything/Nothing/Someone contains a lot of beauty but also some darkness. How do you navigate the challenges of writing about family and people you love while you draft? (Were there any times where you thought: perhaps this detail is too dark, or were you focused on shining light on as many aspects of both your and your family’s past as possible?)

My advice is to always go too far at first. That way, I can be sure I’ve excavated every last artifact, and I won’t be missing some key part of my story. The beauty and the freedom of the craft is that, 99 per cent of the time, no one is watching. I had a poor-me draft, I had an angry draft, and through all of those iterations, the truth gradually formed. I am very pleased I was able to access deep compassion and empathy for all the people in my story and in my life, and that clarity and depth of emotion could only have come from many obfuscated and shallow attempts at telling.

With non-fiction, writers don’t often finish the whole book before pitching it to agents and publishers, but instead write a non-fiction book proposal. Was this how you pitched Everything/Nothing/Someone? If so, did the manuscript change from proposal to its finished print edition?

It was a complete manuscript and I never pitched it. An agent found me through a friend I’d given the manuscript to after despairing it would never go anywhere.

Your writing is so evocative of the Bohemian Nineties. What research do you undertake to recreate the past, or did you write purely from memory? Are there any tips for writers about how to succinctly evoke a particular time period on the page?

I wrote only from memory.

My advice is to rely on details that conjure something in you when you were in that context, not what you think is best representative of the era.
—Alice Carrière

Even if it won’t be as easily recognizable to or nostalgic for the reader, it’s those small acts of honesty and specificity, often going unremarked, that imbue the entire narrative with realness.

What do you look for when you read memoirs by other authors? Is there a quality that you think stands out more than anything?

I look for contradiction. I look for emotional confusion, self-doubt, and radical candor. I like when something feels almost dangerous to read and have said out loud. I don’t see the point of a memoir if the writer isn’t doing something that feels a little threatening to themselves. The impulse to write, figure out, and share lived experience to a wide audience is not a warm and fuzzy impulse. It’s in many ways a crisis—creatively, emotionally, and existentially—and I want to feel that on the page.

What does your writing routine look like? For Everything/Nothing/Someone, did the memoir follow you everywhere you went—were you always writing whenever you could—or did you commit to a regular, organized routine with set writing times?

I’ve never not been writing this book. I wrote it on gurneys in hospitals. If you knew me, you knew that regular and organized are not words you would use to describe me. I have become much more disciplined, and quitting drinking helped me achieve that. I’m still disorganized, with my time and in my brain, but the work gets done.

What advice do you have for someone about to embark on the adventure of writing their own memoir?

This endeavor makes no sense and simultaneously feels like the only thing that makes sense. My advice is to ignore almost everything you will hear except: just do the work. That was the only piece of advice my mother ever gave me, and it’s really the only one that matters as an artist.

Author and ghostwriter Alice Kuipers

How to write about your life: advice from Alice Kuipers

Of course, writing any true story—let alone a book about your life—brings some unique challenges. First, how can you begin writing when you’re faced with your entire life story? It is, understandably, a daunting task. That’s far too much material to just freewrite—right? So, how much planning should you do before you start writing? And how can you give shape and meaning to the randomness of all that happens in a person’s life?

There are other issues that can leave people who are writing a book about real life feeling stuck. Paradoxically, having so much material to work with can feel paralyzing and, without proper direction, lead to writer’s block. Plus, self-reflection can itself become exhausting!

Then there are smaller questions about the writing process and techniques. For example, should you be writing accurate dialogue when what people actually say is often so prosaic?

Look at the stories that inspire you

If you want to create your own life story, book-writing is a great way to record it. To get started writing a book about your own story, have a look at some great examples of life writing. Just as we suggest a novelist learn from a fiction book, it makes sense that you would learn from a story about a real life.

Take other people’s life writing or a non-fiction narrative that caught your eye. Find a great memoir or autobiography—one that recounts a personal history or a scandalous true story as scintillatingly as fiction. Then consider what the memoir focuses on: does it skim through key events in the person’s life? Does it recount their life history briefly, then pick out a few moments or one memory to highlight the fuller story and the overall theme? Or does it really attempt to tell the entire story, with all the details of their everyday life as well as the more exciting life events?

Don’t worry if the thought of autobiographical writing seems scary; many writers struggle to write about their personal experiences, even in fiction. And when you’re presenting true stories of your life, when you’re portraying family members or recounting a particular memory that might be painful or sensitive, and you’re saying loud and proud that these are all real-life events... Well, it’s a brave decision!

Take Alice’s advice

To help you start writing your own life story, our writing coach and memoirist Alice Kuipers shares her best advice.

Alice approaches her position as a writing coach collaboratively, working hard to help authors find their voices and follow their passions. If you’re working on memoir, YA, or books for children, Alice may be the writing coach for you: she is not only the award-winning author of five novels and six books for younger readers, but she’s also a bestselling ghostwriter, with a wealth of experience in writing memoirs.

If you want to turn your personal story into a book about your life, be sure to read Alice’s tips on getting down your life’s story.

How I came to memoir writing

I came to memoir writing and biography in a roundabout way, when my agent reached out for a writer. The life story in question was that of a young woman, Carley, who had died of an aggressive cancer. The publisher and her family needed someone to bring together the raw material of her life. Immediately, I recoiled. I didn’t know how to write a true story like that: I wrote fiction. I had no idea how to structure her particular experience. I couldn’t fathom how I would start writing.

Despite my initial misgivings, as I sat with the idea, I was pulled to Carley’s story for all of the reasons I at first pulled away. The intimacy and bravery of her life story were compelling, and writing her life experiences and unique story would be different and challenging. The more I learned about Carley, the more I saw a way to write her book.

Figuring out her coming-of-age story and how best to tell it began a whole new writing life for me. Now, as well as my own books, I work as a ghost, anonymously, listening to the life stories of famous and not-so-famous people to find the overarching theme of their memoirs.
—Alice Kuipers

Some weeks later, I found myself in Carley’s old bedroom, the bed still made. Her pink walls showcased a quotation about dance. Her blog was a testament to the boy she loved. She was real and rare. Figuring out her coming-of-age story and how best to tell it began a whole new writing life for me. Now, as well as my own books, I work as a ghost, anonymously, listening to the life stories of famous and not-so-famous people to find the overarching theme of their memoirs.

The rewards of writing a life story

The memoirs I’ve written for other authors have been some of the most extraordinary highlights of my writing life. Being a ghost has taught me how to write better. I’ve learned how to listen for the narrative arc that every story needs, deepening my understanding of how to write and structure the work. It’s helped me understand how every story has a central message and to find an underlying theme in an entire life. It’s helped me craft more complex portraits and create strong characters—even in the supporting characters of somebody’s life story.

Being a ghost has taught me how to write better.
—Alice Kuipers

Listening to someone’s autobiography and helping them share it on the page has also given me a lot of ideas on how to help you write a book about your life story. Here are five tips I’ve learned along the way that you can use as you write your memoir.


Tip No. 1: More is more, to start with

Life is long if you know how to live it well.

Marcus Aurelius said something like this, and what it means here is that your life is going to be absolutely chockablock of stories and happenings. While not every moment of your entire life story can make it into the book—in fact, most of this raw material won’t ever see the final pages—at this early stage, you don’t yet know which bits you want.

When I start a ghost project, I invite my author to talk. And talk. And talk. We want to dig deep. What this means for you is to be open as you start writing. Play. Freewrite. Make notes of the important moments you might want to explore. Make notes of the moments you’re not sure about. Make notes of the moments that you think won’t be interesting at all. Unpack those memories, as Mary Karr advises in her beautiful book The Art of Memoir.

But most of the time, we keep memories packed away. I sometimes liken that moment of sudden unpacking to circus clowns pouring out of a miniature car trunk—how did so much fit into such a small space?
―Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir

Your life is rich and full, and as you begin, explore it all. You’ll find the overall narrative later. For now, it’s about creative ways to dig into one’s life and find the fascinating nuggets. We have prompts in our memoir group to help you do this work, so make sure you sign up for a writing course at The Novelry if you haven’t yet!

Tip No. 2: Chronological order is a helpful tool

As writers, we often seek to do something unique and ground-breaking.

For instance, lots of writers want to bounce back and forth through time as they write a book of their life’s story. That’s because this is how memory works.

But often, with memoir, the life lived itself is the unique and ground-breaking element. A simple structure can actually make it easier to navigate the story. Not always, but following a timeline of chronological order is a very useful tool to start your writing process—keeping in mind our ‘tools not rules’ approach at The Novelry.

Remember, it doesn’t mean that your final structure will follow this pattern; just that it helps to put your life story in order as you start your exploration into autobiographical writing.

Tip No. 3: Begin with it all, but then focus in

Once you’ve begun thinking about all the life experiences you have, written some notes, and looked at a possible order, you get to think more about what your entire book will be.

Will it cover from your birth to the present? Will it be before that, even? Every relative and ancestor? Or will it be one glorious summer when you discovered yourself on a trip to the Arctic?  

Start playful and open, then consider a beginning and an end.
—Alice Kuipers

Memoir tends to focus in on a shorter phase, autobiography tends to be your whole life. You get to choose.

As I suggest, start playful and open, then consider a beginning and an end.

Let’s think about how other writers have approached writing a book about their life. A memoir I love is one by Fred Sasakamoose, a hockey player from Ahtahkakoop Cree Nations Reserve on Treaty 6 territory in Saskatchewan. ‘All I wanted to do was, I wanted to play,’ he says. ‘Play the game. Love the game. But I never thought about history.’

Yet his memoir is an essential read of how history impacted his life, from when he was a small child to a man looking back.

Contrast the timeline of Sasakamoose’s memoir with John Glynn’s Out East: Memoir of a Montauk Summer, a coming-of-age story of self-discovery from self-doubt to self-knowledge set in a summer house, to glimpse the range of possibilities out there as you write a book about your life.

Tip No. 4: Continue to use the elements of story

Here at The Novelry, we have courses on how to write a great fiction book. These classes are actually very helpful when you write memoirs, too. While you absolutely have to stick to the facts, you still need to have a character (YOU!) with a flaw (yup, all of us have them!) who has to learn and grow and change...

At The Novelry, we teach a storytelling pattern we call The Five Fs®. Interestingly, your main character (you!) might find an arc that follows this pattern, whether that’s through many years of your life or just a few key days.

While you absolutely have to stick to the facts, you still need to have a character (YOU!) with a flaw (yup, all of us have them!) who has to learn and grow and change...
—Alice Kuipers

Then, essentially, we need to see these events happen through scenes, with action, dialogue, description, and interior monologue. The tools of fiction, when used for fact, make the story vivid and rich, alive and true. Readers need to feel your experiences in scenic settings. Making your scenes rich will give us, as readers, what we seek.

Alice Kuipers, writing coach in memoir, YA, and children’s fiction at The Novelry

Tip No. 5: Don’t let others into your process. Not yet

The biggest concern I hear when people start their first memoir is that they are going to hurt other people in their life by writing it.

When and how you decide to publish it is when you have to ask yourself the big and important question of who will be impacted by the story and whether that matters to you. That’s when you have to ensure that you’re not being libelous and that you’re being truthful. And you have to make your own private decisions about the effect of your words and story on those you love.

But you do not have to do that when you’re sitting with the blank page.

Right now, your book is for you.

It’s about you.

It’s a stunning and safe place for you to share your story. Please trust yourself to get the words down before you begin to decide what you want to keep private. The writing of a draft of a memoir is a private act. And it’s key that you remind yourself of this at this stage. I love Mary Karr’s advice again here, as it is a book I refer to in our memoir group:

Unless you’re a doubter and a worrier, a nail-biter, an apologizer, a rethinker, then memoir may not be your playpen. That’s the quality I’ve found most consistently in those life-story writers I’ve met.
―Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir

Recently, when I was working with an author to ghost his story, he wasn’t sure how he felt about telling certain details. When we got closer to publication, he elected to pull out lines and even whole scenes. Those were for him. He could keep those words to himself. The rest of the book was for the world. But we couldn’t write the rest of the book until he’d felt free to express himself.

You should prepare yourself to write a book about your own life story  

The last thing that I want to share with you today is that while writing a book about your life can be a relief, it can also be upsetting, triggering, and challenging. Be gentle with yourself.

Be as kind to yourself as I am to my authors. When they need a break or are overwhelmed with pain or sadness, we pause. We take the time the story needs to grow. We write. We listen. We write some more.

There are so many other tips and techniques that can make telling your life story so much stronger, but I hope these get you started well.

Writing your memoir is a brave and scary thing to do, and I hope this gives you a little jet fuel to turn your blank page into something extraordinary.

I’ll leave you with a quotation from Glennon Doyle, who writes so vividly about her life:

If you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you’re good enough. Just do it. Be generous. Offer a gift to the world that no one else can offer: yourself.
―Glennon Doyle, Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed

Welcome home, writers. Join us on the world’s best creative writing courses to create, write and complete your book about your life. Sign up and start today.

Someone writing in a notebook
Alice Kuipers. Head of writer coaching

Alice Kuipers

Writing Coach


Years experience

Alice Kuipers is the bestselling, award-winning author of YA novels, books for younger readers, and several ghostwritten adult memoirs. Her debut, Life on the Refrigerator Door, was a New York Times Book for the Teen Age and Carnegie Medal nominee. It won the Grand Prix de Viarmes, the Livrentête Prize, the Redbridge Teenage Book Award and the Saskatchewan First Book Award and has been adapted for the stage. Alice’s other accolades include wins or nominations for the Arthur Ellis Award, the White Pine Award, the Saskatchewan Book Award for YA Literature, the Junior Library Guild Gold Selection and Amazon’s Best Book of the Month. Her essays have been published in the Huffington Post, the Sunday Telegraph, Easy Living, and Today’s Parent. Alice has a BSc in Psychology from Manchester University and an MA in Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University. She has spoken at the Brisbane Festival of Literature, Wordfest Calgary, Vancouver Writers Fest, and the Saskatchewan Festival of Words.

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